Teguh Achmadi's profile

Gudang Garam Spektafest

As traditional kretek cigarette Gudang Garam Merah need to rejuvenate the brands,  and penetrate target market to young smokers (18-25 y.o) Using event vehicle named “Gudang Garam Merah Spektafest”. Presenting a new way of entertainment to audience. The city occupied  Java to Sumatra island (Cimahi, Serang, Tasikmalaya, Cirebon, Karawang, Medan and Palembang). 

Bringing the word “spekta” to be feel in every activation phase, included on air promo, digital activation and event production. 
We arrange a number of activity such as Meet n Greet, Radio talks show, Roadshow Convoy, Press Conference, and pre small event at 12 second city around Java and Sumatra. Base on consumer insight, we found the idea in combining music concert with opera show. Because its first time ever in Indonesia, when mount of group band  play the opera show. And the show base on true story of band achievement. It  will bring a new vision and encourage our TA to still fight for their own success. The exposure make to 80.000 audience on the spot overall. We achieve product selling target during the event. And several local and national media appreciate the event as “The FIrst and The Most Biggest Outdoor Opera Show in Indonesia”.

Managing Director : Dendy Suryo
Strategic Plan Director : Maureen Tuahatu
Creative Director : Joy Bambang H.
Ass. Creative Director : Teguh Achmadi
3D Art Director : David Lizriadi
Graphics Designer : Budi Ardi
Show Director : Rama Soeprapto
Motion Graphics Designer : Isha Hening, Zaki Fauzan

Gudang Garam Spektafest

Gudang Garam Spektafest
